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Service Before Self

Works of Good

At Quatrefoil we believe in service to others.  In various ways the members of Quatrefoil serve our communities, we serve our neighbors, and we serve the veteran community.   These are a few of the things we do; we'd love to get you involved.  Contact us for more information. 


Character Development

Members of Quatrefoil also serve as Mentors for the Travis Manion Foundation ( an organization that has developed a program called "Character Does Matter".  Our team volunteers for this organization conducting mentorship events for local students.   

The President, Joseph Fay, has also provided these presentations for The United States Naval Academy and for the CEO and C-Suite Staff at Casper Mattress Company.

Fire in The Hole

Fire in the Hole is an annual charity golf outing hosted by Quatrefoil Consulting.  The outing funds a charitable account known as the Knock at the Door Fund.   The fund was inspired by the book "Knock at the Door" about the experience of Gold Star Families who have experienced the knock at the door notifying them of the death of their loved one.   The goal of the fund is to raise awareness about these families and serve as the "second" knock at the door, to be there with a message of love, and assistance, and financial support in the wake of these tragedies.



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